Does anyone else ever feel …

…the need to be really abused? The real need to be taken, tied, beaten, slapped about and practically knocked unconscious?

To be grabbed and chained. To have the clothes torn from your body a piece at a time, knowing that you brought no other garments with you, knowing that you’ll soon be naked under the gaze of onlookers.

To be viciously spanked then caned and have your hair pulled? Then dragged before a group of others, shown off, displayed, offered and forced to do dirty things? A whore for their common use.

To be used as a cum bucket, fuck toy, a set of holes to be plugged and raped? Your cunt filled with all manner of things designed to humiliate and scare you. Strap-ons, dildos and sex toys bigger than you’ve ever dared look at. Thrown to the floor and pissed on from all directions with no-where to turn? Drugged and left to pass out knowing there are others still waiting to use you, hurt you, fill you and degrade you?

Then to realise that to add to your shame, they’ve thrown money at you. Wet dripping bank notes stick to the floor and your piss soaked skin. Bank notes they’ve spunked on and wiped over your face leaving you knowing you’re the sleaziest of whores. The cheapest, lowest form of human sex toy there is.

No, just me then. Whoops.

About severin

Nobody special and what I write might not be to everyone's taste - it tends to be a bit naughty, so you've been warned.
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17 Responses to Does anyone else ever feel …

  1. lockedboy82 says:

    No, not just you. That… sounds lovely. In a way only a masochist could like. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Crosshearted says:

    I don’t think I would admit it to myself, but yes, I definitely feel like that sometimes. It’s the lowest form of human thrill…. but certainly one of the most intense. Oh, I think I just admitted it to myself. Ah well ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. ownedslut says:

    YUM! I crave this more than I like to admit!

  4. ngenghou1962 says:

    Not that imaginative, though occasionally has harbored the thoughts of being raped by women!

  5. Faile says:

    This is such a powerful piece of writing that I’ve struggled for a while to analyse my reaction to it. It’s a fantasy that’s almost frightening in its intensity. I understand the desire to surrender yourself totally to sexual submission and I know the desire to take someone there.
    As a submissive I could never enjoy letting go so fully because I could never be confident of being brought back safely without shame or hurt.
    As a Domme I know I can take someone there and will be there to reassure and love them afterwards no matter how slutty they have become.

    Faile xxx xxx

  6. writingthebody says:

    So Severin, you see it is not just you. Of course it isn’t – but you probably knew that in advance! Beautiful blog by the way…thanks for visiting me – our common interest in your namesake, I guess! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. ladyjadeite94 says:

    Firstly, this post is just about as sexy as submission gets and secondly, I’ve nominated you for the The Fabulous Gutter Bloggers Award ๐Ÿ™‚ your posts are an inspiration, they’re genuine, intriguing and steamy to boot. Don’t ever stop writing!

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